Monday, July 27, 2009

Updated Apartment Pictures

Here are some updated apartment pictures. Everything has a place to call home now.

I have a sewing area set up in the office/guest bedroom.

Master is impossible to show the color of the walls in a picture. The color changes depending on if it is natural or lamp light that is shining...I am very pleased with the color though.

Living Room....sorry the blanket isn't folded and the pillows are not where they should be :P

Much needed bathroom storage!

Our tiny kitchen :) So far it has worked out...I have had enough room to do what I need.

Last but not least...our new entry table. It might look matches our bookshelves. Joel and I both really loved the look of the bookshelves so we decided to use the same look for an entry table. We are really pleased with the outcome.

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